For the fast four years Mark and I have made it one of our Christmas Traditions to go to the bid night for the Festival of Trees which benefits the Primary Children's Hospital. I have always loved this even since I was a young girl and hoped that one day I could go and bid on some items to help out the charity. I have had many I know who have had to spend time at this wonderful children's hospital and wanted to give back for the amazing medical help that has been rendered on behalf of my family. A few years back my nephew Spencer was playing little league football on a team coached by Mark and suffered a pretty scary hit which caused his spleen to almost tear in half. He spent time in the ICU at Primary Children's Hospital while they did miraculous work to help save his spleen and to get him back on the road to recovery. He spent over three weeks in the hospital but thanks to the wonderful care he has no problems from the injury. It was pretty hard to see him laying there in such critical condition and it was then that I vowed that when I was able I would give to the hospital. It is an amazing hospital and do so much good for the community. We are so blessed today to have had this wonderful hospital so close and that the staff is top notch and concerned about the welfare of all kids not just those who can afford it.
I hope that each of you will take a few moments at this time of year to reach deep in your pockets and give to those who are less fortunate. We have been truly blessed by out Father in Heaven and needed to show him how much we care by making sure we are always serving others. I have attached the link so that you can read about the wonderful organization of the Festival of Trees.
May the true meaning of Christmas permeate you hearts and home this Christmas Season. Remember that it is because the birth of Our Savior so many years ago that we are able to share this wonderful time celebrating with our family and friends.
What a fun tradition. Did you end up getting a tree? I hope you had a wonderful time.
We did not get a tree but bought a wreath for our door
We are heading there tomorrow night. I am excited for Madi and JOrdyn to see all the trees. I know you have to pay to get in, but when it goes to such a good cause I don't mind. We had a good experience at Primary's childrens and think it is a great hopsital.
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